Monday, July 13, 2009

Adventures in Family land...

We went to try a new ice cream place by us the other day and while being very colorful and a neat idea (fill up a cup with as much frozen yogurt and as many flavors and then add whatever toppings you want and then they charge you by the ounce) Only problem was that it was the frozen yogurt that we're all used to it was literally frozen-yogurt so it had that little bit of sour taste to it. Plus, you know, when you walk in to an ICE CREAM shop and they start talking about live cultures and healthy sugar you should turn right around and walk out, next time we sure will! I think that Avonlee's face summed it all up...

She REALLY liked it can you tell.....We of course were too dignified to make this face so we're glad she made it for us!

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